Flowers and plants

Product Standard for hired labour organizations

This standard covers the purchase and sale of Fairtrade flowers and plants. Fairtrade flowers and plants are cultivated in greenhouses or in the open field on plantations.

Flowers and Plants / Flores y Plantas

This standard applies to all Fairtrade certified flowers and plants operators and is valid from 15 April 2017.

Product standard

(in effect since 15 April 2017)

EN |Fairtrade Standard for Flowers and Plants

ES |Criterio de Comercio Justo Fairtrade para Flores y Plantas

The Fairtrade Standard for Flowers and Plants covers the requirements which are specific to producers and traders.

Fairtrade flower and plant companies must comply both with the Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour and the Fairtrade Standard for Flowers and Plants. For companies this standard complements, and should be read together with, the Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour.

Cut flowers, plants, fillers, bulbs, young plant material

Standard for Hired Labour

This product standard applies to hired labour operators (employing workers) as explained here. Together, the Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour and the product standard above define the terms of trade. Please read both documents for further guidance.

Does your company want to trade this Fairtrade product?

Aspects of this product standard also apply to companies that wish to trade with producers. The product standard above works in conjunction with the Fairtrade Trader Standard to outline the terms of trade for this product.